The Old Line Government Affairs team provides a recap of the MACo conference including changes in...
The Political Tides of State and Local Government
Rest assured, in politics, change is always simmering below even when all seems calm on the...
Will We See You at MACo?
The Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) returns to Ocean City August 14-17, and our team hopes...
OLGA at NCSL Summit
August is a busy month for the Old Line Government Affairs team! The National Conference of State...
We’re Headed to NAIC
The Old Line Government Affairs team is headed to the Summer Conference for the National...
2019 Maryland Legislative Session Recap
Last Friday, prior to the start of the Memorial Day weekend, Governor Hogan made a final...
Old Line Government Affairs Podcast | Episode 2
The Old Line Government Affairs podcast returns with an update on progress in the Maryland state...
Old Line Government Affairs Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events Disclaimer language: Maryland registered lobbyists are prohibited under Maryland...
Changes Coming to Maryland Legislature
With the departure of Senator Melony G. Griffith to become CEO of the Maryland Hospital Association, several changes are ahead for the Maryland General Assembly.
New Laws Now in Effect in Maryland
Passed by the Maryland General Assembly, new laws address firearms, child sexual abuse cases and more.
Goodwill Excel Center Set to Open Late September
Finishing touches are underway at Goodwill’s Excel Center, a tuition-free, public high school for adults, 21 years of age and older.