
IT Company


A Lobbying Case Study

Services Provided:

  • Navigating the state’s procurement process
  • Protecting a company’s hard-won state contract
  • Uncovering additional award opportunities across all of state government
  • Strategic representation with the Board of Public Works in approval process
  • Monitoring and reporting on legislative activities, contract management and negotiations

A Maryland-based health IT company beat out “the big guys” to defend and grow a state government contract.

When a local health IT company earned a small Maryland government contract through an informal process, they thought they’d be able to maintain this new procurement venture independently. However, as the contract’s size grew over time, larger competitors started to take notice. The IT company realized that they needed expert support to be able to defend their new contract, and retained Old Line Government Affairs to protect an increasingly important revenue stream.

The procurement path can have bumps along the way. When other government contractors and outside project managers tried to step in, Old Line intervened, leveraging its experience and existing relationships with the governor’s office, legislators, local governing bodies and government agency personnel in order to maintain the IT company’s reputation with its client and set it on a clearer path to winning contract awards.

In the state procurement process, knowing who to work with, and how, is crucial; when the IT company’s contract needed extension approval from the Board of Public Works, Old Line met with key contacts and secured the extra time needed. Upon winning a new award, Old Line helped ensure a smooth Public Works approval. Now, Old Line is working with this client to help increase its footprint throughout the state and earn contracts with additional agencies and departments.

The health IT company had never previously considered using a lobbyist; now, in addition to Old Line Government Affairs in Maryland, they use firms in other states as well. Having the professional advice of government affairs consultants in their corner makes it possible to not only protect their hard-earned awards, but also significantly increase their government business potential.

From advising on strategy and timing for meetings to monitoring and reporting on state and legislative activities, Old Line Government Affairs and its client have built a true strategic partnership, bolstering a previously untapped source of revenue for a growing business.

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