April 28, 2021

Governor’s Briefing on COVID-19: April 28, 2021

Governor Larry Hogan Press Conference – April 28, 2021

  • Today marks 419 days since the first confirmed COVID case in MD
  • Today MD surpasses 4.9 million vaccines administered
    • 85% of 65+
    • 60% of 18+
  • MD is vaccinating faster than most states and the nation as a whole
  • Biggest drop in new cases and lowest transmission rate in the country
  • MD’s case rate per 100,000 has dropped 33% over the past two weeks
  • State positivity rate has dropped to 3.89%
    • Peaked in January at 9.43%
    • Peaked last year at 26.83%
  • Hospitalizations across the state are down 44%
  • Continuing to conduct COVID surveillance testing across the state
  • Additional actions taken today:
    • Effective immediately, masks and face coverings are no longer required while outdoors
      • Follows the CDC guidelines and Dr. Fauci’s guidance
      • Risk of transmission outdoors is very low
      • If you aren’t vaccinated, keep wearing your mask
      • Face coverings still required indoors and at large outdoor venues
    • Effective May 1: all outdoor dining restrictions lifted
      • Indoors, guidelines still stand
    • Additional actions expected to be taken in the next few weeks
  • Get vaccinated as soon as possible in order to return to normal sooner
  • Entering next phase of vaccination campaign
    • Morgan State vaccination clinic opens Friday
    • Mass Vax site at the Mall in Columbia opens Friday as well- 13th and final vax site
    • May 1- transitioning to direct scheduling (no pre-registration)
    • Visit covidvax.maryland.gov
    • It is now possible to walk up or drive through at 9 of 13 vaccination sites
    • Reserving large blocks of vaccination times for colleges and employers
    • Vaccines are safe, effective, and available
    • If you don’t get your vaccination you’re at risk of hospitalization and death
  • “I want to stress once again that the fastest way for us to put this pandemic behind us once and for all is for every eligible Marylander to get vaccinated as soon as possible.” — Governor Larry Hogan


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