December 4, 2019

Changes to State Procurement

The state of Maryland recently unveiled a new procurement system, eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA), that streamlines the process, improves access to information, and provides additional transparency. The new system is a direct result of Governor Larry Hogan’s 2016 Commission to Modernize State Procurement, led by Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford.

According to a press release from the State, “Creating a more centralized procurement system ensures that state resources are being used efficiently,” said Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford. “Consistent application of procurement law, regulation, policy, practice, and procedure is an important part of changing Maryland for the better.”

In 2014, the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) conducted a comprehensive review of State procurement policies and practices to identify strategies for improving their competitiveness, efficiency, and transparency. The work of the 2016 commission resulted in a report, Review of Maryland’s Procurement Policies and Structures, included 57 recommendations such as creating a uniform RFP template for all goods and services, streamlining A&E procurement, expanding small business and MBE procurement opportunities, promoting efficiencies through automation and technology upgrades, and removing redundant and unnecessary procurement processes.

Through enactment of these recommendations, the State will realize a more modern, streamlined procurement system with standardized best practices, and policies and procedures that are more uniform, transparent, and equitable. These changes will benefit all vendors that do business with the State, as well as the State procurement workforce, while ensuring that the State procures the best value for its taxpayers.

In 2017, HB1021 outlined and established the implementation of these recommendations including that procurement responsibilities would move to the Department of General Services (DGS) from the Department of Budget and Management and Department of Information Technology. The bill created the new position of chief procurement officer, which was officially established on October 1 of this year with the appointment of Robert E. Gleason. The CPO is the head of all procurement activity for the Executive Branch and also controls procurement for DGS.

The new procurement process is intended to create a more competitive marketplace that is transparent and accountable. Follow our blog and podcast for more information about state procurement and the ongoing roll-out of the recommendations outlined in the 2017 bill.

If you are interested in learning more about the state procurement process, contact us to schedule a time to meet or invite us to lead a roundtable discussion for your industry group. Click here for more information about our team.


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