Reduced litter. Cleaner materials. Reduced carbon emissions. More jobs.
Recycling refund programs – also known as beverage container redemption programs – offer a fully refundable deposit (such as 5-10 cents) on beverage containers made from different materials like aluminum, glass and plastic. Upon returning empty containers, consumers have the option to obtain a refund.
Currently, 10 states in the US have recycling refund programs, and those states consistently see higher recycling rates.
The Can Manufacturers Institute, a client of Old Line Government Affairs, is partnering with supporting organizations including the Aluminum Association, the American Consumer Institute, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, the National Recycling Coalition and more, and recently launched, a repository of information on recycling refund and container deposit programs.
A recent public opinion survey noted strong bipartisan support for recycling refund programs, and POLITICO recently reported on the groups’ efforts.