April 11, 2022

Sine Die 2022

After 90 days of hard work, at midnight on April 11, 2022, Maryland legislators will gather and celebrate Sine Die, perhaps the most anticipated and welcomed Latin phrase you’ll hear outside of a law school classroom.

Sine Die (pronounced SIGH-knee DIE) is a phrase that means, essentially, adjournment for a period of time. Maryland’s legislators have worked hard since January effecting legislation and at midnight on Sine Die, it all comes to an end — at least for this session. Come January 2023, they will begin the hubbub again, with the start of Maryland’s 445th Session.

For now though, most legislators don’t race home to their day jobs or for vacations just yet. When the midnight bell tolls, many will amble out of the State House and over to the bars and restaurants of downtown Annapolis, searching for much-needed refreshments, celebrating their wins from the season and the camaraderie and collegiality that makes the whole thing work.

Thank you to all of the legislators and staff members for an impactful session. Happy Sine Die, Maryland!


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