August 18, 2021

Online with Old Line: Delegate Kirill Reznik

Home | Videos | Online with Old Line: Delegate Kirill Reznik
Delegate Kirill Reznik
District 39
Montgomery County

Citing his early-childhood immigration from the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War as part of the reason he became so interested in politics, Delegate Kirill Reznik is a busy man, father and legislator. He says that talking politics and international relations was a “common occurrence” around his childhood dinner table.

Delegate Reznik represents Montgomery County, and says that when the opportunity came up for him to run for office, it wasn’t one issue that made him decide to act. “It was really a lifetime of wanting to serve,” he says.

When not working in the legislature, Delegate Reznik works as a federal contractor with the US Agency for International Development. Learn more in this interview with Old Line’s Director of Government Affairs, Sherry Dudley Nickerson.


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