September 2, 2021

Online with Old Line: Senator Will Smith

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Senator Will Smith
District 20
Montgomery County

Senator Will Smith says the legislature he’s a part of is a “vital center of action.”

Representing the district where he was born and raised, Senator Smith is proud to represent the “vibrant” and “evolving” District 20 in Montgomery County. He says that growing up in Montgomery County influenced him to get into politics, as well as what he learned from his father.

Senator Smith and his father would read articles from the Washington Post focused on African-American business or politics issues, and would have conversations about what they’d read. Every conversation was memorialized in the newspaper clippings posted on a bulletin board in his father’s office. Senator Smith says that these conversations inspired him to run for office, and molded him into the man he is today.

To hear more about Senator Smith’s passion for education policy, his family, and his district, please tune in to this edition of Online with Old Line with Managing Director Brett Lininger.


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