February 13, 2022

Legalization of Marijuana: Bill Huber Provides Insight

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With legislators discussing cannabis during the current session of the Maryland General Assembly, the legalization of recreational adult use is getting a lot of attention. Thinking broadly beyond Maryland, more and more it is less a question of “if” cannabis will be legal for adult use nationally; the question is “when?” according to Bill Huber, Nemphos Braue Of Counsel and a cannabis dispensary owner.

Medical marijuana is legal now, but how will cannabis be legalized for adult recreational use in Maryland? “Why not allow the current independent license holders to gain competitive traction in the marketplace by opening cultivation and processing licenses to them only?” suggests Huber.

Maryland Cannabis
Cannabis in Maryland by the numbers

Read his full article in the Baltimore Business Journal for insights and what he sees as opportunities for marketplace success in Maryland.

To learn more about the history of cannabis in Maryland – view the Canna-Timeline.


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