September 7, 2021

Online with Old Line: Delegate Michele Guyton

Home | Videos | Online with Old Line: Delegate Michele Guyton

Delegate Michele Guyton
District 42B
Baltimore County

A developmental psychologist by trade, Delegate Michele Guyton is a busy lady, focusing her efforts on education, psychology and “supporting those who don’t always have the loudest voice.”

Before all that, Delegate Guyton is a mom to three boys. She says this is what motivates her, and has motivated her through all the work she’s done. For the past ten years, Delegate Guyton has headed up a nonprofit that aids families of children with complex disabilities. She credits this experience as her introduction into policy and advocacy.

Delegate Guyton is not only a lawmaker in Annapolis, but is also a fabulous leading lady! To find out why she turned down touring with a company, please watch this interview with Old Line’s Director of Government Affairs, Sherry Dudley Nickerson.


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