August 31, 2021

Online with Old Line: Delegate Emily Shetty

Home | Videos | Online with Old Line: Delegate Emily Shetty

Delegate Emily Shetty
District 18
Montgomery County

Despite being born and raised in the South, Delegate Emily Shetty says that she loves the active district she represents that makes her job so interesting.

Delegate Shetty says she “loves to solve problems” and sees the healthcare system as a broken system that needs fixing. Citing her mother’s nursing career as a catalyst for her passion for healthcare, Delegate Shetty also has a federal government affairs firm that works on education and healthcare policy.

Saying that her time working on Capitol Hill was invaluable, Delegate Shetty cites that experience as rewarding and carries the vision of policy and constituent casework with her in her current career.

Delegate Shetty is also an avid cook and baker, and has a demanding critic at home — her five-year-old son. Learn more in this interview with Old Line’s Director of Government Affairs, Sherry Dudley Nickerson.


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